"Life" Books,  Children,  Consider This...,  Jesus,  Let's be Real

Peace like a Child

I come to you today, having had a vast array of emotions and feelings over the past several days. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get into why or who or what my emotions and feelings are towards, because the truth is peace can’t be found from people, places, things, policies, etc.

However, I will begin by sharing that I have allowed people and policies, especially, to really disrupt my peace. And I have had to ask for forgiveness and confess I have lost sight of the ONLY ONE who can provide perfect peace, my Abba Father. Who when I have become quicker to run to as the week has progressed, has been aways faithful and kind to welcome me back into his arms with an abundance of peace.

The picture of a baby or child comes to mind when I think about peace. It’s one of the many things I love about children and what they can teach us, along with a multitude of life lessons. They don’t hesitate to go to the person they feel safe with when their feelings are hurt, or they just need some comfort. They run to the person who they know always has the snacks. They run to the person who always has the first aid kit. The life experience hasn’t occurred yet, so they don’t filter if one adult may have their feelings hurt if they don’t go to them, they just go to the person that they know has what they need. They go to where they can find peace and comfort.

I was talking about this with my parents this week. We were laughing because my PawPaw was the only one that I would let get splinters out, and he was also the only one that I would let put “medicine” (not sure really what it was- but he said it worked 😊) on my mosquito bites. The truth was many people around me were very capable of doing both of these things, but PawPaw did treated these things the first time, and in my kid mind, why would I go to anyone else?

All children are like this, and I absolutely love it! As they grow, they develop “their people” that they know will help them navigate certain parts of life. And as “their people” we strive to meet the mark- we engage, we sometimes have to educate ourselves (and sometimes they have to teach us new math!), we observe, we love, and hopefully point to God, the source of perfect peace. This is THE village.

Think about it. Who did you go to when your feelings were hurt? When you were feeling sick? When you had a scraped up knee? Who did you go to when you were scared? When you had a question? When you wanted a snack that wasn’t one you had at home? 😉

This should continue through adulthood. I believe this is where we fail as a society. We give off the impression that adults are on their own, independent of anybody else. When, indeed, the fact is we need each other more than ever. In a world that claims to be so connected, why do we have so much hate and criticism? If we are connected, couldn’t we be having conversations? Just an idea.

I had mentioned I am a fan of the news, I also watch most all of the true crime- dateline, 20/20, etc, and lately there have been so many stories that have people who just “disappeared” for months, nobody checking in. Now I am not shaming anyone, because technology can fool the best of us. But we got to do better. If we are checking on each other, hearing each other’s voices, confirming that people have seen each other, then we are failing to love one another. Everybody has to have a least one person making sure they are alive and breathing and doing ok everyday. So maybe this is a reminder…

There’s my thoughts for today. I like to make lists, go ahead and roll your eyes, you have permission. A few years ago, I started writing down all the people that had made a mark on my life, from birth to the present. It was incredibly humbling and I was overcome with gratitude. If you ever need a little boost, I encourage you to start writing down names, some you may never have met, some that prayed for you before you were born, some that made a mark on your parents that changed a generational pattern. It’s your list, you own it. Another list to start is one of those in your children’s lives, and have them say/write why each has made a mark on their life. And a little something extra is to go real old school and write a note and send it snail mail! 😊

“May the Lord bless you and protect you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-25

Life Book of the Week: A Girl from Yamhill and My Own Two Feet, by Beverley Cleary. These are both autobiographies of Beverley Cleary, and I highly recommend them to anyone! Especially if you need a good read that will keep you laughing! She is a true treasure!!!

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