Consider This...
- "Life" Books, Consider This..., Family, Friends & Neighbors, GRANDparents, Let's be Real, Pass it On...
Meet Them Where They Are
Every once in a while my Mom will leave me encouraging notes, or something she has read, or sometimes a comic strip. This week she left me a story from Guideposts. And the story was about an older man, who had made an impact on this family’s life, in many different ways. The adult children of the writer remembered that when they were little, “he always bent low.” What a legacy! The opportunity he saw in a child, to simply take the time to get on their level, which was probably increasingly difficult, but he saw this as something of great worth. I also can say I have had those…
Did I Hear That Correct? Surely Not.
I’ll have my first granddaughter in a couple of weeks… she’s not going to be a pincushion. We’re not going to allow that to happen. United States Senator (look up the quote and see what else this senator had to say) Am I disturbed? Am I perturbed? Am I angry? Why, yes, all of the above. And no, this post is not going to be all about vaccines and medical research. However, the debates and the funding cuts continue, and when this continues I will not stay silent. I will give facts. And sometimes some first-hand experience and knowledge. I don’t know if this senator has ever experienced his own…
Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace within the difficulties. – C.S. Lewis Hello February and hello friends. My previous post was about the urgency of truth and information about one senate confirmation hearing that I personally have knowledge about, and felt it was time I spoke up about this nomination, policies, and the news last week. I gave facts and I watched as I said I would do, and let’s just say I wasn’t shocked, but I am disappointed with those with the power to question and vote, are choosing to ignore the fact that so many questions went unanswered, and therefore neglect the citizens they…
Silence, not optional
“The government rest on his shoulders. The government rest on his shoulders. The government rest on his shoulders” Isaiah 9:6. This verse is on repeat in my heart, mind, soul, and lips. I come to you a day early, because there is a senate hearing tomorrow that is most likely to be a earth shaker for me and my fellow chronic illness friends. Now, I don’t like to go political on here, but I do feel like I am responsible for just giving some important critical facts. Otherwise what have I been doing for 37 years?!? The new administration has already silenced some pretty big deal information centers, departments, people…
Peace like a Child
I come to you today, having had a vast array of emotions and feelings over the past several days. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get into why or who or what my emotions and feelings are towards, because the truth is peace can’t be found from people, places, things, policies, etc. However, I will begin by sharing that I have allowed people and policies, especially, to really disrupt my peace. And I have had to ask for forgiveness and confess I have lost sight of the ONLY ONE who can provide perfect peace, my Abba Father. Who when I have become quicker to run to as the week has…
A New Year, Really?
Can we really say, “Happy New Year?” When just three hours into this supposedly new year innocent lives are plowed down and brutally killed? When others witness the horror and cannot do anything to help aid those lying in the streets? Daughters. Sons. Moms. Dads. Grandchildren. Grandparents. Sisters. Brothers. Cousins. Nieces. Nephews. Aunts. Uncles. Neighbors. Friends. How much will be too much? How far is too far? How many casualties and injuries are too many? Who will answer these questions? Local Government? Federal Government? Citizens? Get angry. Cry. Pray. But don’t stay there. Let it get under your skin. Aggravate you to take action. Write to the lawmakers. Write your…
Listen. Hear. Speak.
Hurting someone can be as easy as throwing a stone in the sea. But do you have any idea how deep that stone can go? Do we really realize the profound effect of our words and actions? This question has been on my mind repeatedly over the last couple of weeks. The election is closing in and here in North Carolina the commercials and campaigning is like never before! The seemingly eagerness to spread lies and misinformation is downright despicable! I cringe and my hands tremble as I write this sentence. A few weeks ago I wrote about we are in a crisis for truth. Then I wrote about Word…
Word vs words
“The grass wither, the flowers fade. But the Word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8 I come to you today with lots of words swirling in my head, but truly wanting the Word to break through the swirling. So I am going to give it a whirl 😂 I have stated that I am not going to get political in my writing, and I am going to stick to this, not endorsements here. However, I am going to share a few quotes that have been triggering emotions in me that I’ve not quite ever had to the degree I am experiencing this week (election season). I will even be…
Age to Age
Have you ever heard of Demas in the Bible? Let me just take you down memory lane for a moment. Back to my eighth grade retreat, while attending a Christian school. I’ve established myself as a homebody, so it would be safe for you to assume that camps, retreats, group trips, most field trips… these were not times of excitement in abundance as it was for most of my peers. However, eighth grade retreat was going to be different. The speaker was going to be our Young Life area director and I was at least excited for what he had to teach us! The whole other camp experience I could…
Passion: Curiosity
I have no special talents – I am only passionately curious! – Albert Einstein Asking questions… Searching for the answers, or waiting for the response… Truly listening, and genuinely soaking in the answer… I admit I tend to be more of a thinker than a verbalizer, kind of surprise with all the words I type, but these words are my thoughts, most of the time, fresh and new to even me as I type them! My conversation style tends to be more in the form of questions than statements (unless I’m in a quick-witted mood- and even then I tend to ask sarcastic questions 😏). I am reading a book…