"Life" Books,  Adoption,  Children,  Mommy

Days Gone By

A fun “Unless you know me well” fact: although this is my favorite weather and holiday season, this time of year tends to bring out “oops did I just say that out loud?” moments. I tend to be a bit sarcastic and a tad rebellious to the “assignments” of the world around us. A few examples:

Thanksgiving: I love family and traditions, but when it comes to assignments of listing what you are thankful for… well, I was the kid who always listed the same things, Mom, Dad, Brother, Jesus, Friends. I was often perplexed by this assignment, especially in a Christian School, because why wasn’t this an assignment throughout the year. At home it was a constant assignment and conversation.

Christmas: As my Mom says, “we are Christmas and Easter people all year long.” Jesus came as a baby, grew up like us, died a fully-human death for us, so that we could be made whole and join Him and those in Christ again. There is no ifs, ands, or buts about that. This is a EVERYDAY celebration! I also love giving gifts, randomly, when I find them, or when I am shopping with my niece and nephew and they find something they love. Moments. Indeed was built around this love, the shop for quality gifts for the intentional and spontaneous gift-giver.

New Years: Warning, this is when I get super rebellious. I don’t use the word “hate” much at all. I hate new years resolutions. I have despised them since as early as I can remember. Seriously, you really think a kindergartener fully grasp what a resolution is, or what the timing of a full year is? They are focused on what piece of candy or sticker they get at the end of the day! Let them be little! So yes, I listed the same things every year for this assignment too. Read my Bible more, Obey More, Listen More, Pray more… you get the picture. If you are a long term goal person, congrats. I honestly having good day when I drink 100 ounces or more, because my kidneys don’t quite function right. So my goal of 100 ounces may not sound like much, but bottom line, my goal is a day at a time. Resolutions died a long time ago, believe me, I get heated on this topic.

The TRUTH, aside from all these little things, there are eternal and life-giving moments in this season. And besides the above examples, I do tend to be more reflective on “days gone by,” memories, the laughter, the life lived. His faithfulness. And of course, my favorite visual of the season, and our greatest teachers, babies. Okay, I admit I am a little bias because I am a Christmas baby, but there is something about a baby or a child at this time of year, my eyes and heart become an open book to see so many new things. I consider my little girl to be a Christmas baby, even though she was born after Christmas, she is MY Christmas Baby πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•

To wrap up Adoption Month, I would like to reflect on some of the lessons and blessings I have learned, and I hope you also will be encouraged and may discover something new.

  • When it feels as if you have made known every nook and cranny of your personal life, told every detail of your whole life, birth to now, every positive and negative, and it seems as if you are fully exposed and spent. (Adoption Home Study) They arrive! Lucy came along, and now there is a brand new story, a new family, her and I, and life becomes fresh and alive and you have a very important story to tell!!! And you WANT to tell it! (picture above: our first steps into our home as a family πŸ’•)
  • Just when you think you have hit the jackpot with the right formula, diaper cream, diapers, wipes, BE READY! Your world might just be turned upside down! There might be a diaper rash coming that literally sends poo flying!
  • Health Insurance! GET IT, even if they claim you have to get a separate policy for your child! Just believe me, I made sure she had insurance and I am thankful! ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN, especially the NEVER-HAPPENS!
  • Be willing to learn. Know you resources. If you are unsure where you stand or are not familiar with a particular issue or current event that effects your child and the children around them- jump on it and read, watch videos, ask questions, do whatever you can to be informed!
  • Deep breath prayers, “Jesus we need you!” prayers, He hears these prayers! Let your babies, children hear you cry out these prayers!
  • When you are in pain, when you child is in pain, CRY! The most helpful and healing thing I did when Lucy was in tummy pain, and seemed inconsolable, we cried together! Sometimes she would look up at me and stop crying and give me the funniest looks, but I was in pain for her! No need to hold back!
  • Babies are the best at teaching us, when they are tired, its time to sleep, when they are worn out, its time to rest/take a break, and when they need to be heard, they don’t hold back, the talk, cry, make themselves known. The naps, the bedtimes, the playtime that I had with Lucy, I don’t regret one second. I talked to her constantly, and I still do! 😊
  • To re-discover, re-learn, re-observe, and watch the wonder of it all, is an opportunity that is beyond priceless, if only we slow down and let them guide us.
  • Bath time! It is much more than “getting clean” and getting it over with! There are adventures to go on, needs to be met, conversations to be had, questions to be asked and answered…
  • Every detail, every moment, they all matter. It’s our job to make them count!

Last week I mentioned that I would give you a list of my favorite children’s books on adoption, so are you ready? Let’s jump right in! Most of these can be found in any book store, some I will include a link because I found them in smaller bookstores or online 😊

  • Born from the Heart, by Berta Serrano
  • I Wished for You: an Adoption Story, by Marianne Richmond
  • When the World Was Waiting for You, by Gillian Shields
  • Guji Guji, by Chih-Yuan Chen
  • Heart-Picked: Elizabeth’s Adoption Tale, by Same Crutcher
  • Two Birthdays for Beth, by Gay Lynn Cronin
  • Lucy’s Feet, by Stephanie Stein (also a great book on proper use of feet 😊)
  • I Love You Like Crazy Cakes, by Rose Lewis
  • Every Year On Your Birthday, by Rose Lewis
  • God Found Us You, by Lisa Town Bergren (also great series, God Gave Us)
  • Shaoey and Dot Series, by Mary Beth and Steven Curtis Chapman
  • I’d Choose You, by John Trent
  • What Do You Know About? We Are Adopted, by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos (also great series, What Do You Know About?)
  • Lucy’s Family Tree, by Karen Halvorsen Schreck
  • Let’s Talk About It: Adoption, by Fred Rogers (also great series: Let’s Talk about it, Mister Rogers Neighborhood)
  • All about Adoption: How Families are Made and How Kids Feel About It, by Marc Nemiroff and Jane Annunziata
  • On the Far Side of Poplar Pond, by Anjanette Walchshauser
  • A Mother for Choco, by Keiko Kasza
  • A Koala for Katie: An Adoption Story, by Jonathan London
  • Rosie’s Family: An Adoption Story, by Lori Rosove
  • Forever Families: God’s Gift of Adoption, by Natalie Sutyak (hard to find but here is a link to Thrift Books: https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/forever-families-gods-gift-of-adoption/9384277/item/54656353/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImvHar8LC-wIVqsyGCh2QGQ2SEAQYASABEgJDpPD_BwE#idiq=54656353&edition=8730009 )
  • Khahari Discovers: The Joy of Family, by Evan J Roberts (I recommend ALL of his books! Link to this book: https://ejrbooks.com/product-category/khaharidiscovers/ )
  • The Blooming: An Adoption Story, by Katie Obrecht (Another that is hard to find, the company that I had ordered it from is not out of business, but here is a link that will help. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8174547-the-blooming )

These books are not just for families that are directly connected to adoption. These books need to be in the homes and hands of all children. What Do You Know About, Let’s Talk About, Khahari Discovers are wonderful series to start with and also have other subjects that are important for children to learn about!

I hope everyone has a Thanksgiving to remember and maybe a little time to learn something new 😊 Remember it’s our job to make the moments that matter count!

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