"Life" Books

  • "Life" Books,  Consider This...,  Family,  Friends & Neighbors,  GRANDparents,  Let's be Real,  Pass it On...

    Meet Them Where They Are

    Every once in a while my Mom will leave me encouraging notes, or something she has read, or sometimes a comic strip. This week she left me a story from Guideposts. And the story was about an older man, who had made an impact on this family’s life, in many different ways. The adult children of the writer remembered that when they were little, “he always bent low.” What a legacy! The opportunity he saw in a child, to simply take the time to get on their level, which was probably increasingly difficult, but he saw this as something of great worth. I also can say I have had those…

  • "Life" Books,  Children,  Chronic Illness,  Consider This...,  Let's be Real,  Mommy,  Pass it On...

    Did I Hear That Correct? Surely Not.

    I’ll have my first granddaughter in a couple of weeks… she’s not going to be a pincushion. We’re not going to allow that to happen. United States Senator (look up the quote and see what else this senator had to say) Am I disturbed? Am I perturbed? Am I angry? Why, yes, all of the above. And no, this post is not going to be all about vaccines and medical research. However, the debates and the funding cuts continue, and when this continues I will not stay silent. I will give facts. And sometimes some first-hand experience and knowledge. I don’t know if this senator has ever experienced his own…

  • "Life" Books,  Consider This...,  Let's be Real


    Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace within the difficulties. – C.S. Lewis Hello February and hello friends. My previous post was about the urgency of truth and information about one senate confirmation hearing that I personally have knowledge about, and felt it was time I spoke up about this nomination, policies, and the news last week. I gave facts and I watched as I said I would do, and let’s just say I wasn’t shocked, but I am disappointed with those with the power to question and vote, are choosing to ignore the fact that so many questions went unanswered, and therefore neglect the citizens they…

  • "Life" Books,  Children,  Consider This...,  Jesus,  Let's be Real

    Peace like a Child

    I come to you today, having had a vast array of emotions and feelings over the past several days. Don’t worry, I’m not going to get into why or who or what my emotions and feelings are towards, because the truth is peace can’t be found from people, places, things, policies, etc. However, I will begin by sharing that I have allowed people and policies, especially, to really disrupt my peace. And I have had to ask for forgiveness and confess I have lost sight of the ONLY ONE who can provide perfect peace, my Abba Father. Who when I have become quicker to run to as the week has…

  • "Life" Books,  Jesus,  Let's be Real

    A Bible, A Window, and A TV

    “When I am resting because my body is weak, I need to remember that I’m not wasting the day doing nothing. I am doing exactly what I need to do. I’m recovering.” We are fifteen days into 2025 and I don’t know about you, but I am emotionally, physically, mentally weary and fatigued. This is not a complaint, but a fact about the happenings in our state, nation, and world. It’s a fact about my personal health and health of my family. Fact is fact. I missed writing you last week, because if you remember my Christmas post I had mentioned I was referred to a cardiologist. Everything is fine!…

  • "Life" Books,  Consider This...

    A New Year, Really?

    Can we really say, “Happy New Year?” When just three hours into this supposedly new year innocent lives are plowed down and brutally killed? When others witness the horror and cannot do anything to help aid those lying in the streets? Daughters. Sons. Moms. Dads. Grandchildren. Grandparents. Sisters. Brothers. Cousins. Nieces. Nephews. Aunts. Uncles. Neighbors. Friends. How much will be too much? How far is too far? How many casualties and injuries are too many? Who will answer these questions? Local Government? Federal Government? Citizens? Get angry. Cry. Pray. But don’t stay there. Let it get under your skin. Aggravate you to take action. Write to the lawmakers. Write your…

  • "Life" Books,  Christmas TIME!,  Chronic Illness,  Family

    Simple Christmas

    Simple: not complicated; not demanding; manageable. I can say, with a grateful heart, that my Christmas this year was simple. Simple in the ways listed above. On this side of heaven it will never be “simple” in the way of easy; painless; or absent of grief. I will always long for that first Christmas morning with my own little girl. And all the other times I will continue to grieve this side of heaven. However, her name, Lucy, was spoken. Her name was written on packages, in the “From” and “To” spots along with mine. Her ornaments were hung along with all the others. She was remembered and held close.…

  • "Life" Books,  Children,  Christmas TIME!,  Family,  GRANDparents

    Christmas Babies

    For me there is nothing that can touch the feeling of watching the watching the wonder of Christmas in a little child’s eyes! They embody the joy we are to embrace, the excitement of anticipation, the awe of the simplicity and humbleness of the true meaning of Christmas. I may be a little bias to “Christmas babies,” or December babies, because I am one and so is my nephew. But there is something so special about a newborn baby at Christmas. Holding a Miracle. Embracing and studying their tiny attributes. I believe is holy. And of course, as the picture today shows, every year there is more and more twinkle…

  • "Life" Books,  Children,  Family,  Friends & Neighbors,  GRANDparents,  Memories

    Music… one of my favorite things

    “We teach our children how to behave by: 1. What we allow. 2. What we stop. 3. What we ignore. 4. What we reinforce.” Take a minute to think about this quote. It is really an indicator of what habits and boundaries we allow and don’t allow in our daily lives, also. But today, let’s talk discuss music and videos/dvds that are exciting gifts! I will give you a disclaimer, when kids are exploring and discovering music, this is one of those kid sounds that doesn’t phase me. Now a car thumping past my window or obnoxiously loud and vibrating my insides, I can lose my cool. So we all…

  • "Life" Books,  Art,  Children,  Family,  GRANDparents

    Paints, Pens, and Paper…

    “Sometimes the best learning environment for students isn’t a bunch of devices powered by wi-fi. Sometimes it’s a huge pile of cardboard powered by PURE IMAGINATION.” Krissy Venosdale Oh the smell of new play-doh or a fresh box of crayons! These make my heart smile. A little fact about something that I have a hard time resisting, any craft supply on sale! Hobby Lobby is literally a money pit for me, but of course supporting a great store 😂 I could place the blame on my grandparents who always liked taking us to five and dime stores, but that wouldn’t be entirely true. I just love having craft supplies ready…