• "Life" Books,  Art,  Children,  Family,  GRANDparents

    Paints, Pens, and Paper…

    “Sometimes the best learning environment for students isn’t a bunch of devices powered by wi-fi. Sometimes it’s a huge pile of cardboard powered by PURE IMAGINATION.” Krissy Venosdale Oh the smell of new play-doh or a fresh box of crayons! These make my heart smile. A little fact about something that I have a hard time resisting, any craft supply on sale! Hobby Lobby is literally a money pit for me, but of course supporting a great store ๐Ÿ˜‚ I could place the blame on my grandparents who always liked taking us to five and dime stores, but that wouldn’t be entirely true. I just love having craft supplies ready…

  • "Life" Books,  Children,  Family,  Friends & Neighbors,  GRANDparents,  Memories

    Some May Call it Hullabaloo

    As the gathering season is approaching, there is a lot of talk about how to avoid certain topics of conversations with family and friends. Allow me to make another suggestion, that has nothing to do with those adult talking topics… rather something, hopefully, light hearted. Unless you get too competitive and need to dial back some relatives. Which can happen, so be prepared to have a cool down spot for children as well as adults who get too competitive ๐Ÿ˜‚ Games. Now, I was the kid and now the adult that does not have the patience for monopoly or any game like it, to those who can play these games-…

  • "Life" Books,  Children,  Family,  Friends & Neighbors,  GRANDparents

    Christmas is Always

    “Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, itโ€™s Christmas. Christmas is ALWAYS!” Dale Evans Rogers Two weeks. That’s when I last wrote. There has been a lot of head spinning life decisions in the in between. Needless to say, we may agree or disagree, like or dislike the leaders that won the elections, but most importantly we must respect the good work all presidents have done. Every president has done at least one thing to better our country, and this is something we must focus on in this transition. We can be excited or disappointed/discouraged at the outcome, but we are still…

  • "Life" Books,  Let's be Real,  Pass it On...

    Peaceful Rest

    “You can eat all the kale. Buy all the things. Lift all the weights. Take all the trips. Eliminate all negativity. Wash your face. Be productive. But if you don’t rest your soul in Jesus, you’ll never find peace and purpose.” – Unknown We can vote, and yes, we should. We CAN. I’ve had what my Paw-Paw would call the “creeping crud” this week. Covid tests are negative. And I am proudly fully vaccinated. So resting and weathering this one out. But today’s post is short and sweet. And with a little help from some of my favorite YouTube/podcast/Patreon people, I hope this video will encourage you as it did…

  • "Life" Books,  Chronic Illness,  Grief,  Jesus,  Let's be Real,  Migraines,  Pass it On...

    All You had to do was Ask

    “God kept me close and gave me space all at the same time: to ask the questions, to express my anger, to tell him I didn’t understand. He didn’t, and doesn’t, hold it against me or use it to manipulate me into belief. God used this horrific, awful, inexcusable thing that happened to me to replace my shallow faith with one that could, and did, persist through anything. It doesn’t mean the pain hurts less, or that my disability doesn’t still affect my life every single day. It doesn’t even mean the PTSD and the anxiety and fear come any less often. It does mean when those things come and…

  • "Life" Books,  Children,  Consider This...,  Let's be Real,  Pass it On...

    Listen. Hear. Speak.

    Hurting someone can be as easy as throwing a stone in the sea. But do you have any idea how deep that stone can go? Do we really realize the profound effect of our words and actions? This question has been on my mind repeatedly over the last couple of weeks. The election is closing in and here in North Carolina the commercials and campaigning is like never before! The seemingly eagerness to spread lies and misinformation is downright despicable! I cringe and my hands tremble as I write this sentence. A few weeks ago I wrote about we are in a crisis for truth. Then I wrote about Word…

  • "Life" Books,  Jesus,  Pass it On...

    Look. See. Ask. Receive.

    Everybody has your heartbeat… Every sunset is a stained glass window… Every park bench is a pew…. There’s a sanctuary everywhere that I go… When my eyes are open… I see you. I see You, JJ Heller What a week it has been. I am struggling for words honestly. The devastation and destruction that Hurricane Helene brought is absolutely heart shattering. It’s been a week of holding your breath just hoping an update will come from family and friends. And yet, still waiting. Years of clean up ahead. People’s lives completely up ended. I have been thinking a whole lot about Noah and his family (hang with me – I…

  • "Life" Books,  Consider This...,  Jesus

    Word vs words

    “The grass wither, the flowers fade. But the Word of our God stands forever.” Isaiah 40:8 I come to you today with lots of words swirling in my head, but truly wanting the Word to break through the swirling. So I am going to give it a whirl ๐Ÿ˜‚ I have stated that I am not going to get political in my writing, and I am going to stick to this, not endorsements here. However, I am going to share a few quotes that have been triggering emotions in me that I’ve not quite ever had to the degree I am experiencing this week (election season). I will even be…

  • "Life" Books,  Adoption,  Aunt-ing,  Children,  Family,  Friends & Neighbors,  GRANDparents,  Grief,  Memories,  Mommy,  Siblings,  Single Parenting

    Savoring the Memories

    “Give me the WILD children with their BARE feet and SPARKLING eyes! The RESTLESS, churning climbers. The wild ones using their outside voices, singing ALL THE WAY HOME. Give me the WONDER-FILLED glorious mess makers DREAMING of mountains and mud, and aching to RUN through the field of stars.” Nicolette Sowder Just this week my mom and I were talking about how much we miss children. Where I grew up there was plenty of space for children to play and explore, it was a child’s dream come true. I can say this because that’s exactly how I felt there. If children were not at our house, we were still close…

  • "Life" Books,  Consider This...,  Jesus,  Pass it On...

    Age to Age

    Have you ever heard of Demas in the Bible? Let me just take you down memory lane for a moment. Back to my eighth grade retreat, while attending a Christian school. I’ve established myself as a homebody, so it would be safe for you to assume that camps, retreats, group trips, most field trips… these were not times of excitement in abundance as it was for most of my peers. However, eighth grade retreat was going to be different. The speaker was going to be our Young Life area director and I was at least excited for what he had to teach us! The whole other camp experience I could…