
  • "Life" Books,  Family,  Memories,  Siblings

    Five Things I Want My Brother to Remember

    Today, I will be writing about five things I want my brother to always remember. As you read I pray that either you will be encouraged to reach out to your sibling, or reflect on your childhood, or the environment you are providing for the children in your life at this very moment. With this in mind, let’s jump right in! 😊 Growing up with you as my brother, I wouldn’t have it any other way! There is no other “childhood” that I would or could imagine that could possibly be any better! You were and are my personal one man comedy entertainment, and you don’t even mean to be…

  • "Life" Books,  Aunt-ing,  Family,  Friends & Neighbors,  GRANDparents,  Pass it On...

    Where’s the Village?

    ALERT: Searching for multigenerational villages investing in the lives of children! Anyone who sees or identifies one, praise Jesus! There IS HOPE!!!! 😊 First of all, let me establish I am a big believer in watching the news. Honestly this has come from my multigenerational influences. Grandparents telling stories of how they would gather around the radio to hear the news – and then being able to see the advances in technology, into 24/7 news channels for them, could be compared to going from no phone to a iPhone for teens today. They were in awe and constantly engaged. It’s just the way technology advances and has influence on us.…

  • "Life" Books,  Family,  GRANDparents,  Memories

    A Legacy of Playing Together

    "Our Sunday school is over. And we are going home. Goodbye, Goodbye. Be always kind and true. Goodbye, we will always be kind and true." Did your grandparents sing this song? My grandma sang this song almost every time we left my grandparents house! She always had little songs that we weren’t sure if she made up or if they were actual songs, but she was very convincing. (The Sunday School song is an actual song πŸ˜‚ I did my research!) My grandma would have been ninety-four yesterday. She ran ahead to Jesus in 2012 just a couple months before my Paw-Paw, her husband. She grew up with four brothers,…

  • "Life" Books,  Family,  Let's be Real,  Pass it On...

    Household Blueprints

    What were (or are) the values, virtues, rules in your home that hold the greatest importance? I have a love for words, so let me define these three for us. Values: to rate or scale in usefulness, importance, or general worth. Evaluate. Appreciate. Respect. Virtue: a commendable quality or trait. Character. Honesty. Integrity. Morality. Righteousness. Decency. Rules: a prescribed guide for conduct or action. Blueprint. Guideline. We hear this words used over and over, and honestly I get the meanings confused. Here is how I think of it: If I desire to live a life full of virtues, then this will define what my core values must be, and when…

  • "Life" Books,  Family,  GRANDparents,  Memories,  Pass it On...

    The Legacy of Quality Time

    Today, I have the privilege and honor to celebrate my Paw-Paw. Yesterday was his birthday, and if he was still here on this side of heaven, he would have celebrated his 93rd birthday! Although I miss him greatly, I know we will see him again. Just as my brother said to him on one of his last visits, “Until tomorrow, Paw-Paw.” We are only promised this moment, and he indeed lived in the moment. He took the events that life threw at him and he made the most of the moments. Just a quick snapshot of some of those life events: 1. his dad passed away when my Paw-Paw was…

  • "Life" Books,  Chronic Illness,  Family,  Friends & Neighbors

    and then it was Spring!

    Spring. Tulips. Buttercups (what we in the south call daffodils). Color. Pink. Yellow. Green. Orange. Blue. White. Easter. Hope. Promise. Children. Eggs. Laughter. Swings. Slides. Sand boxes. Chalk. What do you think of when you think or hear the word “SPRING?” The first things that come to mind for me, childhood core memories. The two metal swing sets we had in our yard. These were the metal swing sets that if you got to swinging a little too high, you started to feel the whole swing set start lifting out of the ground. Anybody remember these? Pretty much the only place that wouldn’t be blazing hot would be the swing…

  • "Life" Books,  Children,  Family,  Friends & Neighbors,  Let's be Real

    A Continuous Conversation

    Happy Thursday! Tomorrow, I think, is one of the most fun holidays! St. Patricks Day, A.K.A. in our house, “Man under the leaf day,” because I couldn’t remember what it was called when I was little, so I re-named it 😊 As we do many things in our family. “Fat butter” = hunk of cheese. “Spagatical” = Sabbatical. Just to name a few… I just love any holiday that gets kids excited. Well come to think of it, I guess I’m a kid at heart because I get as excited as they do! One family that I kept years ago, the leprechauns would visit their house and would leave their…

  • "Life" Books,  Family,  GRANDparents,  Memories

    Happy 100th Birthday, Al-Paw!

    Today, my grandfather would be 100! He passed away in 2018, at the age of 85, but left a lasting legacy, and that’s what I will be writing about today. First, let me tell you a little background history: I love my grandfather and I learned many things that I hold close and truly cherish for a lifetime! Yet, I would be painting a false picture if I didn’t share these two stories to set up a “snapshot” of our relationship. Possibly the moment he realized he may have met his match… πŸ˜‚ So as I mentioned before he loved to watch and talk golf. We would usually visit this…

  • "Life" Books,  Aunt-ing,  Family

    Squeak, This one is for You!

    Happy Thursday! January is a booming month for our family when it comes to birthdays! However, one that is coming up this next week is my niece’s, she will be 12! I truly cannot remember my life without her present, she is a life-loving firecracker, or as my Nannie would say, “cat-bird” (beats to her own drum 😊). Today I would like to share twelve statements that my heart desires for her to always know and keep close! I love you Squeak, Mots, Lil’ for Realz! πŸ’• NaNa 😊 Life Book of the Week: Every Cowgirl Needs Dancing Boots, by Rebecca Janni. One of Lilly’s favorites 😊 Today’s picture is…

  • "Life" Books,  Aunt-ing,  Family,  Memories

    The JOY of Buster

    Tomorrow my nephew will be eight years old! And no his name is not really Buster, he just decided one day that would be his name, but it only lasted that one day! His name is John, but goes by Jack, Jackman, little man, Lucy’s Applesauce King 😊 Since he will be turning 8, allow me to share with you eight things that make Jack, uniquely and lovable JACK! πŸ’• And of course I wouldn’t be able to witness and be apart of Jack (and Lilly’s) life, if it were not for my brother and sister in law. So to them, Thank you for this enormous blessing! Life Book of…