
  • Family,  Grief,  Jesus,  Memories,  Mommy,  My Little

    Days Like This

    Do you ever find yourself just sitting, in a far off daze, with the world seemingly spinning around you, at a speed that is incomprehensible, and you are sitting completely still? I cannot pin point exactly when this became a “normal,” almost daily thing for me. I mean, other than completely zoning out in school and such because of ADHD and Learning disabilities. This is totally different. When I became a Mommy, I would get in a thought process of what is upsetting my Lucy Baby? Diaper, hungry, sleepy, tummy hurts, uncomfortable, etc. Does she want to play or watch the animals outside? What is the best skincare and haircare…

  • Easter,  Family,  Friends & Neighbors,  Jesus,  Memories,  Mommy

    Christ, Children, and Confetti!

    I LOVE Easter! It’s good and hard and a time of brokenness and healing… Christ. Spiritually… it’s a time of remembering Jesus, and the fact that facing death is real, so real that his sweat became blood. He was so grieved and stressed, his body reacted as he had so intricately designed. Pause here for a moment. Think about how you sweat, and then think about that turning to blood! Although I cannot identify and say I have ever had this happen, I can say I have had the experience of bleeding non-stop, whether a wound or nose bleed, etc. In these moments, I feel light headed, weak, disoriented. I…

  • Family,  Memories,  Mommy,  My Little

    Take time

    Today, I encourage you to take time… to remember… to tell your story… relive memories… pull out old photos, letters, artwork, videos, and just sit, and think of how grateful you are for those moments. My heart today would like to share with you, more of the miracles, moments, and memories of becoming Lucy’s Mommy! I look back on the 30 years of life I had before her arrival, and I am in awe of the amazing preparation/work God had been doing in and around me! Some examples being: Knowing and growing up the medical life and community, advocating, knowing the truth about “never happens.” Also, I had the honor…

  • Adoption,  Family,  Memories,  Mommy,  My Little

    this little one calls me Mommy…

    I left you hanging on the last post, that there would be one more “little” to come… (for such a time as this :)) There are two things I want to define before I embark on this incredible journey today, “miracles” and what I tend to refer to as “never happens.” Miracles, definition by a ragamuffin (me): when i use the word “miracle,” every person is a miracle. The fact that God knits us together and created a space for us to grow for 9 months, safely, is a miracle! There are miracles happening everyday, every moment, you just have to open your eyes to them. They don’t have to…

  • Family,  Memories

    Life. Snapshots Part 2

    Welcome back! There is a running joke when it comes to my family and the trips we take, and the predicaments we find ourselves in. Needless to say, nobody wants to take trips with us after they hear our history. So to continue the snapshots, I am going to share a few of these trips that have been life-changing, while also being memory makers. (also they both can be searched and there are plenty of articles on both) Snapshot Trip 1: Spring Break April 1998. Nashville, TN. For the record, one of my favorite places to visit! (I went back for my “senior trip” with my parents 🙂 Anyways, we…

  • Chronic Illness,  Family,  Memories,  Siblings

    Flashback Snapshots

    Photos… home videos… recordings… handwritten notes… these things mean a lot when the people in them, who have written them, made them are with us. The magnitude of what they mean when we no longer have these people physically with us, is a heart-exploding emotion. Do you agree? I tend to be the reflective, love of family history, love of history in general kinda girl. I’ve been told I am an old soul, and I can see that. I can find myself surrounded by black and white slides, vhs and cassette tapes, listening to George Beverly Shea. I find comfort in home videos, and I believe this is because of…