Pass it On...
To You with Empty Arms
You will never look back on life and think, “I spent too much time with my kids.” Unknown Before you begin reading today, I would just ask you to study the above picture. It’s the good ole’ 80’s florals and fringe on the umbrella. Most likely a new little red wagon. I say new because we had that wagon up until last year! (a good 40 years!) My parents have an inflatable pool and shovels ready, and it also looks like they have the bag packed for the day. My brother on the other hand doesn’t seemed to convinced on this sand and sun thing. However, if you know my…
No one fights harder or loves harder than a pair of sibs. As I think about the school year coming to a close for many children, I have been reflecting on a few thoughts. First, what my “end of school” years were like. The picture and quote today pretty much sums this one up well. Summers were filled with family, the lake, the beach, very rarely much else. It was a time for a big deep breath, at least for a month or two. Second, I have been thinking about all the students, parents, teachers, and all those in between, who don’t really ever get “off.” Today, I would…
High Five for the Mundane!
Give people high fives for getting out of bed. Being a person is hard sometimes. Kid President Getting out of bed. Being human. For some people that’s it. They have no second thought, no hesitation, no shaking. They are up and going with seemingly no effort. For some, getting out of bed and facing being a human, in a human body, in a human world, takes great effort. There are lots of reasons and circumstances – health, relationships, home environment, financial, loss, etc. I tend to have more days that require great effort. It’s how I am wired, woven together, and it’s my story. Health, loss, and life events have…
Be Alert. Gather the Facts.
I laugh at this photo because if only the parenting know-it-alls knew what was coming for parents, would they have been so hard on my parents for allowing a black and white antenna tv in my room when I was sick for long periods of time? I mean how much could a little Lambchop or Skidamarink looping up and down with periods of black and grey lines do to me? And pacis, they already gave up on those – I found those as soon as they tried to hide them! (fun fact- never had to have braces!) Recently I had a conversation with a friend about the amount of “alert”…
You are Loved.
Eighteen days into 2024… And what a year it has already been! Maybe your beginning of the year hasn’t been eventful, or maybe be it has been very eventful, even milestone marking eventful! I know a brave little girl who has made tremendous literal steps in her journey this new year, and I am over the moon for her and her family – many prayers spent on knees, tears, hard perseverance and truly leaning hard on Jesus has brought them this far and HE will continue to supply and sustain, I truly believe!!! New life has come. And some have gone. Good news has been reported. And tough news has…
Do you ever just take a minute at look at the palm of your hand? Do you realize that absolutely no one else will ever make the exact same handprint that you are looking at? All of the handprint art that children make, are 100% one of a kind! Unrepeatable! In the adoption process your fingerprints especially become an essential part of your home study. Unless they just can’t retrieve your fingerprints, which is possible! One of the first things they do when you are born is make handprints and footprints to document who you are, who you belong to, and all the important information about your birth. I, personally,…
Stronger than Darkness
“Praise the Lord, His mercy is more. Stronger than darkness, new every morn. Our sins they are many, His mercy is more.” His Mercy is More, by Matt Boswell and Matt Papa ( Album: Getty Kids Hymnal: Family Hymn Sing) “When the cacophony (a chaotic mixture) of universal distress unsettles us, remind us that we are but small and finite creatures… justice and mercy, healing and redemption, are your great labors.” Daily Liturgy from “For Those Flooded by Too Much Information” (Every Moment Holy, Rabbit Room Press) What a week it has been! Devastation. Disorder. Many times this week I have sat completely still, not being able to move, just…
Conversations with my Jesus
Prayer. A conversation with God that never ends, at least on God’s end. As humans we tend to shut it off when we don’t see the “need,” this is a big lie we tell ourselves. It is a conversation compiled of words, silence, tears, walking, kneeling, laying down, sitting, deep breathing, cries. Words often spoken: please, help, why, come, near, save, wisdom, need, want. Lately I have been reflecting back on being a kid and how the culture has progressively gotten to be extremely fast paced, and now is constantly pushing a narrative of something or someone being “better.” As my mom wisely reminds me, “everyone is equal at the…
- "Life" Books, Aunt-ing, Children, Consider This..., Friends & Neighbors, GRANDparents, Pass it On...
Diapers to Diamonds and Beyond
Time. Somedays is seems like forever ago. Then somedays it feels like just yesterday. Children make my heart come alive, the bursting with joy, cannot hide how happy I am, kind of alive! Join me as I share a few glimpses of life recently, and why this is so. This summer I have to honor of attending two weddings of children, now young adults, that I cared for when they were little. Do you know how many emotions comes with this? A LOT! I am incredibly proud of who they have grown to be and who they have chosen to continually follow and depend on! I am also very encouraged…
Where’s the Village?
ALERT: Searching for multigenerational villages investing in the lives of children! Anyone who sees or identifies one, praise Jesus! There IS HOPE!!!! 😊 First of all, let me establish I am a big believer in watching the news. Honestly this has come from my multigenerational influences. Grandparents telling stories of how they would gather around the radio to hear the news – and then being able to see the advances in technology, into 24/7 news channels for them, could be compared to going from no phone to a iPhone for teens today. They were in awe and constantly engaged. It’s just the way technology advances and has influence on us.…